Friends: Series 6 – Episodes 1-8 DVD (2000) Jennifer Aniston, Bright (DIR) cert
Friends: Series 6 – Episodes 1-8
Leading Actor:
Jennifer Aniston
168 mins
DVD / Normal
Studio / Publisher:
Warner Home Video
UK Release Date:
23 Oct 2000
The opening eight episodes from the sixth season of the American sitcom. In ‘The One After Vegas’, Ross and Rachel wake from their night of alcohol abuse to discover that they are married. ‘The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel’ sees Rachel mistakenly assume that Monica still wants to live with her when she and Chandler move in together. ‘The One with Ross’s Denial’ has Ross offer the now homeless Rachel his spare room. ‘The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance’ sees Joey suffering from a hernia, while Phoebe prepares to meet her maker after her clairvoyant predicts imminent death. In ‘The One with Joey’s Porsche’, Rachel tries to get her marriage to Ross annulled on the grounds of his mental instability. ‘The One on the Last Night’ sees the girls reminiscing about their flat-sharing times together. In ‘The One Where Phoebe Runs’ has Rachel discovering that the physically unco-ordinated Phoebe makes for an embarrassing jogging partner. Finally, ‘The One with Ross’s Teeth’ sees Ross bleaching his teeth in preparation for a date with one of Monica’s colleagues.
Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.
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